The connection of electric vehicles to distribution networks has been an emerging issue of\nparamount importance for power systems. On one hand, it provides new opportunities for climate\nchange mitigation, if electric energy used for charging is produced from zero emission sources.\nOn the other hand, it stresses networks that are now required to accommodate, in addition to the\nloads and production from distributed generation they are initially designed for, loads from electric\nvehicles charging. In order to achieve maximum use of the grid without substantially affecting its\nperformance, these issues have to be addressed in a coordinated manner, which requires adequate\nknowledge of the system under consideration. It is advantageous that electric vehicle charging can\nbe controlled to a certain degree. This research provides better understanding of real distribution\nnetworksâ?? operation, proposing specific operational points through minimizing electric vehicle\ncharging effects. The probabilistic Monte Carlo method on high performance computers is used for\nthe calculations.